It appears to be a strange phenomenon in our clan to experience the highs and lows of life all in one fell swoop. About 4 years ago, on the day of our second son's reception, a favorite uncle slipped through the veil. We were understandably in shock. One doesn't just cancel a wedding reception mid-stream, however. We forced ourselves through the motions, and tried to make the best of things that night. In fact, our youngest son and one of his friends, in trying to ease hearts, dressed up in their "interesting" Dumb & Dumber tuxedos for the occasion and manned the guest table in place of my m-i-l, who was having a difficult time that night. (It was her brother who had passed away.)
We received some interesting looks from some of our guests, but it did help lighten the mood for those of us who were grieving . . . and yet celebrating. In way of strange coincidences, the spouse of this favorite uncle, a favorite aunt, passed away this week . . . just before a nephew's wedding. So this weekend we are yet again combining a happy celebration, with one that is not so joyous. Ironically, flowers will be featured at both events.

Last weekend, my youngest sister, Trudi, and her beloved (John) tied the proverbial knot. And since they both love all things Celtic (both families have strong ties to Scottish and Irish ancestors) the reception was highlighted with things like kilts, an Irish piper performance, and my sister's wedding dress (made by Shar, a talented woman, and our s-i-l) that featured Celtic symbols.

It was an enjoyable occasion, and yet it too, was laced with a tiny bit of sadness. Since our mother had been living with Trudi, gears were shifted and Mom decided to leave Utah in a permanent fashion. Although this saddened family members living in that area, those of us in Idaho are excited to have her in our midst.
These days, when all around is chaos, I think it behooves us to look for the silver linings that are part of every cloud formation. So this week, while we are saddened by the loss of our aunt, we need to keep in mind the wonderful reunion taking place on the other side of the veil. And tonight, we plan to keep the mood light and fun (I wonder if I can find those silly tuxedos again) at our nephew's wedding reception. Things have a way of eventually turning out for the best. Hearts will heal, and tonight we'll do our best to celebrate life to the fullest. It is the Celtic way. ;)
I hear your feelings! I know Grandma is happy! ;)
Oh those Great and Dreadful times.
I hope things go well for all the plans you need to make.
Our sweet neighbor that we have adopted years ago as grandma and grandpa is slipping into the veil at this time. Doran gave her a blessing Thursday and then again last night. It is so hard to see the kids watch their momma going but wishing she would just go.
Grandpa has been gone for several years now and I am sure is anxious to get her over there.
I too, am experiancing 2 events with flowers. The first the passing of my 92 year old grandmother and the second the marriage of my second daughter to her prince charming. The quintessensial proof of the ebb and flow of life. We continue on for the living remembering the indelible impressions that those that leave us behind have imprinted on our hearts. And the absolute realization that the gospel is real and true and family relationships are eternal.
Amber, I know your grandparents are happy together. =)They were both wonderful people and we will miss them greatly. We're sad for us, but happy for them.
Jody, I'm sorry to hear about your neighbor. It's never easy to lose loved ones. ;)
Lisa, thanks for your touching comment. I'm sorry to hear about your grandmother, and offer my congratulations on the upcoming wedding of your daughter. Life is truly an adventure in contrast these days.
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