Monday, July 21, 2008

One More Salute to the Pioneers

Since this post will be featured on Thursday, July 24th at, I decided to do one more tribute to the courageous pioneers. =) I figure it's a timely thing. One could call this pioneer culture week. ;)

During the trip to Nauvoo that our family made in 1997, I wrote the following poem. It's a comparison between their time and ours:

Along the Mormon Trail

Air conditioning

Padded seats
Snacks for pleasure
Riding in comfort
Along the Mormon Trail . . .

“Are we there yet?”
“How much further?”
“When’s lunch?”

“Is there a rest stop soon?”
Along the Mormon Trail . . .

Driving on paved roads
Stopping whenever desired
Sleeping at nights
In rooms with soft beds
Along the Mormon Trail . . .

Historical sites beckon
Clutching cameras
We record worn ruts
Where ancestors toiled
Along the Mormon Trail . . .

In quiet reflection
I see another time
An era of
Weariness, sacrifice, & pain
Along the Mormon Trail . . .

Rough wooden boards
Thin, worn clothes
Boots and shoes with holes
Dust, heat, hunger & cold
Along the Mormon Trail . . .

Muscles straining
As hills challenged
Those already carrying burdens
Yet smiles persisted
Along the Mormon Trail . . .

Songs were sung---spirits soared
Compassion was freely rendered

When heavy hearts mourned
A deserted grave
Along the Mormon Trail . . .

Gratitude for perseverance
Empathy for grieving hearts
Past dedication inspires
A determination to follow a similar path

Along the Mormon Trail.

Cheri J. Crane June 5, 1997

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Amanda said...

Thank you for sharing that poem. That really is a great reminder of the sacrifice the Saints made for us.

Cheri J. Crane said...

Hi Amanda. Always good to hear from you. =)I'm glad you liked the poem. Kind of a whimsical thing--a contrast between the two times.

I just took a gander at your blogsite---the Porter Gazette. What fun pictures. It looks like Blake had a blast.