I think summer has finally arrived. Here in Bear Lake Valley, we feel like we've jumped straight from winter to summer. There was no spring to speak of. =) We endured a series of wintry storms during what should have been spring. But summer has arrived, and it is gorgeous. All of the moisture we received has contributed to the brilliant green color of the hills and surrounding farms. Flowers are blooming all over the place, wild and otherwise. And the flowering trees are beautiful. This is the first year that my row of lilacs has actually bloomed. I've been nursing them along for years---last year I had high hopes for them, but the blossoms froze. This year, not only did my lilacs bloom, but so did my flowering crab tree. This is a huge event in my life.
For years, I've tried to grow a flowering crab tree. My first attempt was planted several years ago. Then one winter, my boys flattened the tree, breaking it off at the base when they hit it during a snow machine adventure. They had attached an inner tube to the back of the snow machine, and as they took turns giving each other wild rides, they managed to hit my poor tree. Sigh . . .
So, they gave me a new one for Mother's Day the following spring. It flourished for a short time. Then, while we were gone on a family trip, our beloved dog, Brandy the wonder mutt, ate it. I kid you not. This is one strange dog. She loves the taste of tree sap. She has chewed off more branches than I care to remember through the years. (My family comforts me by stressing that Brandy always takes care of my spring-time pruning.) But when we returned home to a chewed up flowering crab tree, I was stunned. She had chomped right through the small trunk. It lay to the side of where it had been planted---Brandy's way of punishing me for leaving her home. (We had arranged for her to be fed and watered while we were gone. It wasn't like she was starving and had to make do with what she could find. And I'm not sure why it's always my fault when our family does something that displeases her. I'm the only one who ever suffers her wrath---chewed up trees, flowerbeds that are ruined, etc. but I digress).
So, yes, seeing this crab tree flower this year brought tears to my eyes. It's beautiful. Everything I've hoped for through the years. I even received a compliment on this tree yesterday from a neighbor. I basked in the glow of what she said for hours. =)
I love summer!!! I love seeing things grow, spending time outside, and as already mentioned, playing in the dirt. I enjoy picnics, fishing, and reunions. (Especially when I'm not in charge of them.) I also enjoy camping adventures, and watching my nephews play baseball. These are the fine things that make summer a wonderful time of year. I'm sure we all have lists of traditional activities that we enjoy during the summer months. And as the official day of summer speeds on by, I challenge you to do your best to savor this marvelous season.
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Your lilacs and flowering crab pictures looked lovely. Isn't it fun when something we grow finally blooms?
As to favorite summer time things to do ... swinging in the hammock for a few minutes, while the breezes blow and the butterflies float by, is one of my favorites. Too bad it doesn't happen very often, though! :)
Thanks for a fun blog.
Thank you C.L. =)It is fun seeing things bloom for a change. ;)And I think swinging in a hammock sounds wonderful. If only my trees were big enough to cooperate with this activity. ;)
Forgot to ask ... along with all the other things you grow, do you have raspberries? Ooo, the Bear Lake raspberry shakes are soooo yummy.
Oh, thanks for stopping by my blog, Write Up My Alley, and commenting. I appreciate it.
Sadly, no. We've tried, but so far, we've had very little luck with raspberries. But a couple of my neighbors grow them. =)
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