So the other night I believe I was throwing a bit of a temper tantrum. Pondering some recent trials in our family, and those suffered by close friends, I took my frustrations out in poetical form. Typical for me. When I'm upset, I find that writing is a wonderful release. After I purged my anger, I felt a tiny bit ashamed. So I wrote another poem earlier this morning. I thought perhaps I would post both of them today---a vivid contrast. (Incidentally, I promise to post something funny soon) In the meantime, you're stuck with this. And the picture doesn't really fit anything---it's just one of my current favorites. This is the scenic view out my kitchen window. (Jealous?) [Well, maybe not about the snow we're still enduring, but I digress.] =)
Sorrow Overload
When there are no more tears
What then must fall
When there is not enough comfort
To cover it all
When it’s all been too much
Till you sit in a daze
Emotionally drained
In a mind-numbing maze
Where there are no more answers
Only questions that rise
From the desert within
To the heavenly skies
And the last drop of hope
Is wrung from your heart
Only a glimmer remains
Of faith torn apart.
Cheri J. Crane
March 25, 2008
When heartache looms in mountainous form
And the sting of life sinks deep,
When the road ahead seems much too bleak
And causes you to weep.
When clouds block out the fading light
Thunder echoing refrains,
Fearing doubt and lingering sorrow
Trigger faithless rains.
Where is the hope, the promised joy
The comfort always to be ours?
Must growth result from endless pain
And infinite darkened showers?
Softly the answers come at last
When doubting fear subsides,
Calming peace settles deep within
While seeking warming tides.
Placing blame, much undeserved
Upon heaven’s golden throne,
Leaves us floundering in pools of pain
Bereft, we are alone.
Angry pride and foolish qualm
Block all that we desire,
Until we bend our will to His
And seek what can inspire.
Cheri J. Crane
March 27, 2008